Thank You For the Following Men Who Serve You LORD Support them LORD Have Your Children Subscribe to Them.
The image of the new Jerusalem in crop fields of England each gate is framed by an inverted pyramid/triangle shape winged angels standing guard behind them comprised of two raised sections for twelve. The star of David in the Center has ten raised areas. We are at 34 raised sections. There are 18 dotted circles again outside a star...
Several Designs That Tell You Whom the Angels are not Taking With Them!
The below video from YouTube is of a Man of God confronted by those ignorant of the scriptures. Clearly, the devil has hidden the word of God from them through the priesthood who claims knowledge of God but needs to control the word of God. These children are not allowed to read the Bible themselves or depend on the...
The Protector the Purpose of the Covering.
You will find a small 4-minute video on every site giving us a picture of the wilderness tabernacle. The video was produced by the Seventh Day Adventist, of which I am not a member. It is one of the first right-hand side widgets. I do know that God requires one day to be set aside to honor HIM, read...
He Will Destroy the Mighty and the Holy People
How adding a word or subtracting a word from the word of God can change its meaning and purpose. God warned us not to alter HIS word laypeople have less to be concerned than the teachers over them. We know the teachers will be held more accountable the parable of this could very well be the baker in prison...
Ezekiel 33 You Have Been Warned by a Watchman
America is gone because we gave it to the wicked and when you give something to the devil he never gives it back. We took the SON of God and cast HIM down for the false Jesus of Rome. Psalms 12:8 KJV (8) The wicked walk on every side, when the vilest men are exalted. The Black Horse is...
Part 2-It is Germ Warfare so rapture closer than ever.
You need to wake up if you cannot see the antichurch making one more attempt at killing Protestantism. It should be evident to many in the Church questionable gifts came into the Church after Vatican two. What appeared to be a holy undertaking the reality was everyone under its power stands back up in defense of the murderers and...
Interceding for those who made poor life Choices.
This image has been used before in a post named “Congratulations, Abraham. It’s a Boy!” The passage this points to can be found in counting the circles on the male upper torso. Knowing the story is just as important. In the old testament and the new only the men were counted, not the women or children. So we can...
A Closer Look at the TRINITY
The featured image is appropriately called the Sultan of Threes. This is not what God looks like; God is Spirit, and HIS SON looks exactly like us—known as the SON of Man. The very heart of God, worn on HIS sleeve to show us how much HE hates sin and loves us. Romans 3:23 KJV For all have sinned,...
The Opposite of War is Not Peace
It’s Love We all know who loved us enough to wear a crown of thorns. Below count how many tringles can fit and find in the bracelet that God seeks to give the woman A Nation HE loves the most. Then divide it by four to come up with how many pyramids we can make and go to the...
The Twelve Tribes a Closer Look
The image is a Celtic cross with five across and seven down for a total of twelve. The formation of the cross started in the wilderness tabernacle when God had Moses place the twelve tribes according to their numbers, with the youngest being the fewest who found themselves at the top of the cross where the head of Christ...