No Where to Run, No Where to Hide.
No Where to Run, No Where to Hide.
During WWII, when the Socialist NAZI Party were in power, you could hide God’s chosen people and protect them in Barns and buildings with false walls. They had a chance, and in this new system with facial recognition, RFID chips, cell phones, and heat-sensing equipment, hiding Christians and Jewish people will most likely be impossible. God, who loves us...
Promoting The Uncompromising Saints
Who determines who is headed home and who is beheaded? The angels do the sorting and ties to the antisemitic Church and breakers of the second commandment who teach others to ignore it as well are getting beheaded. Those who try and get the Watchman to compromise as well are not ready to leave, they missed the point entirely....
A Model Church for the Whole World
Setting captives free requires one not to bow down to the image of the beast. Doing so causes spiritual blindness; having once been covered with all precious stones, he seduces many with his outward appearance. While inwardly they are ravenous wolves, his image is here and has been for a long time, and many have been drawn by it...
Thank You For the Following Men Who Serve You LORD Support them LORD Have Your Children Subscribe to Them.
The image of the new Jerusalem in crop fields of England each gate is framed by an inverted pyramid/triangle shape winged angels standing guard behind them comprised of two raised sections for twelve. The star of David in the Center has ten raised areas. We are at 34 raised sections. There are 18 dotted circles again outside a star...
Several Designs That Tell You Whom the Angels are not Taking With Them!
The below video from YouTube is of a Man of God confronted by those ignorant of the scriptures. Clearly, the devil has hidden the word of God from them through the priesthood who claims knowledge of God but needs to control the word of God. These children are not allowed to read the Bible themselves or depend on the...
He Will Destroy the Mighty and the Holy People
How adding a word or subtracting a word from the word of God can change its meaning and purpose. God warned us not to alter HIS word laypeople have less to be concerned than the teachers over them. We know the teachers will be held more accountable the parable of this could very well be the baker in prison...
The Opposite of War is Not Peace
It’s Love We all know who loved us enough to wear a crown of thorns. Below count how many tringles can fit and find in the bracelet that God seeks to give the woman A Nation HE loves the most. Then divide it by four to come up with how many pyramids we can make and go to the...
The Twelve Tribes a Closer Look
The image is a Celtic cross with five across and seven down for a total of twelve. The formation of the cross started in the wilderness tabernacle when God had Moses place the twelve tribes according to their numbers, with the youngest being the fewest who found themselves at the top of the cross where the head of Christ...
Strong Evidence Against Being Slain in the Spirit.
When you see the HOLY SPIRIT moving and claim it is the work of the devil that is blasphemy against the Spirit, it’s not the unpardonable sin which is rejecting Christ completely. From Focus on the Family whom I have supported in the past and though they are linked into the apostasy they will quickly see it for what...
It’s Just Not Fair Father they have so much and we have so little :) Like Gideon!
The map below is found on the Catholic Jesuits website. We are never getting America back again! When you give something to the devil he never gives it back unless you have something he want’s more than anything else in the world. The only thing he can never have, God’s precious Jewish people and the land given to Abraham,...