
Removing the Fear Factor

1 John 4:18 KJV (18)  There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love. I am far from perfect but I will give it a try I know my God is. John 14:23-31 KJV (23)  Jesus answered and said unto him, If a...

The Monarchy

The image is of a butterfly. The Queen of England loves butterflies, and England is where this is found,  along with hundreds of others; why did some supernatural force which remains invisible make these? Not so invisible, they were made with balls of light, the same we find in Genesis 15:17 a lamp Lucifer once carried. Well, first, let...

Counterproductive Fishing

Jesus knew how to fish and where to fish; the different side of the boat is a metaphor for fishing for men; in this lesson, every religion has divisions within it. Mormons one insists on many wives, the other side one wife, Seventh Day Adventists spun off Branch Davidians, Catholicism (Roman separated from the Church founded in Constantinople the...

Sticks and Stones

Children who have grown up in Alcoholic homes have been berated by name calling. It is a sad person’s way of making themselves seem significant over another.  I remember well when I got my call, a man referring to himself as a “Reverand” told me they had another spelling for the name dirtbag and proceeded to spell my last...

The Curse

In a Protestant Authorized Version of the Bible, the KJV, the word curse appears 101 times in 92 verses. The word cursed 72 times in 68 verses, curses eight times, eight verses, cursing 12 times in 12 verses, and the word curseth ten times in 10 verses.  Genesis 12:3, Numbers 24:9, and Proverbs 30:11 are just three of those...

Child Abuse and Neglect is a Reproach to any Nation and the Cause for Judgement.

Recently after discovering and bringing to light mass graves of Children found at residential schools throughout Canada where the Catholic Church operated, Pope Francis brought his apology. Where is the apology from the Royal who allowed it? Canada was under a Protestant Monarchy. It was a trade of one savagery for another. The hiding and misinterpretation of scripture are...

Was the night before EXODUS…

And all through the houses, all the firstborns were sleeping, While the SON of God’s effigy remained in the dirt. All the children of Israel, with their sufferings and hurt, Spent four hundred years hiding this sin. It should be used to reveal the one true God to take lost souls in. Those who helped him willingly to hide...

Transgender and the art of Confusion

My initials are B. A. B. E. L., and when it comes to the confusion, I know it all too well.    Let us drop the first B and talk about eternity. When we first find Abel in the Bible, his offering is respected. God was pleased that someone got it and understood the value of the sacrifice. Church,...

A world full of lies and liars who can you trust?

An acquaintance of mine posted this on her Facebook page, “Hope deferred makes the heart sick prisoners of hope!” Every Government minus the Government of God has killed its people.  Socialism and communism have placed many of their people to death. Our America has been taken over by a socialist agenda that requires a dictator. Getting America back before...

KJV the Word of Choice For Harvest Purposes – Here is Why

First, it was written when men truly feared God they did not have TV or radio they had more time for prayer, King James was a Protestant who placed guards on the doors to ensure the Papist could not interject their lies within it. Had the gunpowder plot not been foiled in 1605 the KJV would have never happened. ...

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