watchmen warning

Fighting For The One You Love

It just doesn’t happen in Hallmark Movies; it also takes place in real life. You seek a soulmate, and one comes along. Usually, they come in pairs, and there is a decision to be made to choose the one who will treat you better and love you the longest they are going to be the better candidate. Many women...

Transgender and the art of Confusion

My initials are B. A. B. E. L., and when it comes to the confusion, I know it all too well.    Let us drop the first B and talk about eternity. When we first find Abel in the Bible, his offering is respected. God was pleased that someone got it and understood the value of the sacrifice. Church,...

A world full of lies and liars who can you trust?

An acquaintance of mine posted this on her Facebook page, “Hope deferred makes the heart sick prisoners of hope!” Every Government minus the Government of God has killed its people.  Socialism and communism have placed many of their people to death. Our America has been taken over by a socialist agenda that requires a dictator. Getting America back before...

KJV the Word of Choice For Harvest Purposes – Here is Why

First, it was written when men truly feared God they did not have TV or radio they had more time for prayer, King James was a Protestant who placed guards on the doors to ensure the Papist could not interject their lies within it. Had the gunpowder plot not been foiled in 1605 the KJV would have never happened. ...

Battle Cry – We Don’t LOVE TRUTH and God Rejoices In It. The TRUTH that is.

Battle Cry is a publication produced by a great man who won many souls to Christ; amazing how his appointed time called home points to it is a wise man who wins souls. Before you judge me, know that the KJV served us and built America setting countless souls free from the clutches of the priesthood. Without it, there...

No Where to Run, No Where to Hide.

During WWII, when the Socialist NAZI Party were in power, you could hide God’s chosen people and protect them in Barns and buildings with false walls. They had a chance, and in this new system with facial recognition, RFID chips, cell phones, and heat-sensing equipment, hiding Christians and Jewish people will most likely be impossible. God, who loves us...

Found Wanting

We all know it comes before six, or at least should. The below image has 12 all-seeing eyes surrounding the Asian symbol for balance; each eye has four lines, and four times 12 is 48; add the two sections that make up the yin and yang for 50.  The all-seeing eyes with a dot in the middle means not...

We are not alone

When I was called I was told it was because people knew me, those who know me know my stand. So many refuse to acknowledge what this young saint Colin Miller is keenly aware of, the peer pressure at times seems overwhelming to bow to this beast, and this comes also from my friends, he has built his new...

No Respect for Abel and None for the Watchman

The featured image is the seven eyes of the spirit, which are better than two eyes and greater than one eye. One eye lacks depth perception, and peripheral vision is nonexistent. There are fourteen raised sections. The two in the center divide the three sets of eyes, and four individuals make up seven. Two latticed sections for the verse...

What is a Watchman To Do?

The Watchman’s speech must be sweet, so raindrops make beautiful crowns in the splash and flowers open,  birds sing, and spiders build symmetrical webs, children laugh, and he will not upset anyone. God is bringing a sword on the wicked, and we must insist the Watchman be kind and Christian-like and not speak out against things that break the...

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