A Way Out

Sir Francis Galton made the Appointed Times List For His Soul Saving Invention.

It is not for his continued studies into his cousin Charles Darwin’s work where he creates the term eugenics. A favorite term of Planned Parenthood, an organization supported by the Bill Gates Foundation who, by the way, was discussing the idea of a Pandemic just before one came out. Wouldn’t it be nice for someone with that kind of...

Let Us Never Ever Forget We Have Enemies of Christ and They Infiltrate.

We are coming up on our 21st anniversary of 9/11, and Father and I want you to see why history repeats and who is behind it. Jesus came for the children of Israel first, but as they were stubborn, he turned to the gentiles insisting we be witnesses to them as well and how the HOLY SPIRIT helps us...

Removing the Fear Factor

1 John 4:18 KJV (18)  There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love. I am far from perfect but I will give it a try I know my God is. John 14:23-31 KJV (23)  Jesus answered and said unto him, If a...

Counterproductive Fishing

Jesus knew how to fish and where to fish; the different side of the boat is a metaphor for fishing for men; in this lesson, every religion has divisions within it. Mormons one insists on many wives, the other side one wife, Seventh Day Adventists spun off Branch Davidians, Catholicism (Roman separated from the Church founded in Constantinople the...

Finding The Missing Five Holy Fathers or are Two Imposters not even part of the SEVEN?

If imposters exist, why, and where are they taking their followers? A house divided against itself cannot stand; the word tells us that the lost will know us by our love.  If the lost are looking in, and they are, they also have opinions, and their decision against Christ is that there is no order and a lot of...

Finding The Missing Five Holy Fathers or are Two Imposters not even part of the SEVEN?

If imposters exist, why, and where are they taking their followers? A house divided against itself cannot stand; the word tells us that the lost will know us by our love.  If the lost are looking in, and they are, they also have opinions, and their decision against Christ is that there is no order and a lot of...

Was the night before EXODUS…

And all through the houses, all the firstborns were sleeping, While the SON of God’s effigy remained in the dirt. All the children of Israel, with their sufferings and hurt, Spent four hundred years hiding this sin. It should be used to reveal the one true God to take lost souls in. Those who helped him willingly to hide...

Fighting For The One You Love

It just doesn’t happen in Hallmark Movies; it also takes place in real life. You seek a soulmate, and one comes along. Usually, they come in pairs, and there is a decision to be made to choose the one who will treat you better and love you the longest they are going to be the better candidate. Many women...

The Golden Buzzer of God

I do not follow the hit series America’s Got Talent; my exposure is from what I have watched on Youtube. I must say how blessed we are to have so many people with such great gifts and how wonderful it would be if Jesus were at the center of it all. We know that God can use anyone or...

No Where to Run, No Where to Hide.

During WWII, when the Socialist NAZI Party were in power, you could hide God’s chosen people and protect them in Barns and buildings with false walls. They had a chance, and in this new system with facial recognition, RFID chips, cell phones, and heat-sensing equipment, hiding Christians and Jewish people will most likely be impossible. God, who loves us...

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